Help for Professionals and Students

…because an experienced colleague and teacher can help you save time and build confidence.

Case Studies & Nutrition Protocols

CSNN Students, Holistic Nutritionists, Registered Dieticians (RD), Naturopaths (ND), Physicians, Homeopaths, Chiropractors, and Natural Health Practitioners will find this time saving service to take the pressure off a busy clinical case load and provide a sounding board for complex cases.

Students of holistic nutrition can take advantage of this service to help them understand the complex interconnections between symptoms and root causes, analyse their practicums, and get a helping hand in developing comprehensive protocols in a teaching environment.

Case Analysis and Recommendations (1 hour)

How the service works:

  • Book an appointment by clicking the link below
  • Email all relevant questionnaires.
  • Meet via phone, Zoom, Skype, or Facetime to review your case.

Book Your Session Now